3 Hiring Trends Every Business Leader Needs To Be Aware Of

As the world continues to evolve, new trends continuously emerge. Whether it be a new social trend, fashion trend, or hiring trend, the rise and fall of these trends is unending. For professionals in Human Resources and Recruiting, staying updated on these trends and adapting to them is crucial for success.In this blog, we explore the latest trends in depth, offering insights

The Labor Market is Slowing but…

There are several key performance indicators used to measure and track the performance and possible direction of the U.S. labor market. Typically, one metric will explain or reinforce the changes of another data point. However, data from the first quarter of this year still leaves many a bit uncertain about where the labor market is headed.

If you like the 30,000-foot view,

The State of Hiring (Report Summary)

Finding and retaining top talent is a main driver that continues to reshape the economic landscape and ongoing business recovery post-pandemic. The impacts are evident in employment data and U.S. labor market analysis, but it doesn’t tell the full story. To better understand and navigate this terrain, we conducted our first Hiring Pulse Survey to gather insight from business

Recapping the 2022 Labor Market

With the adjusted monthly numbers starting to settle and the larger trends from the entire year beginning to emerge, it’s a little hard not to ask. Is this good news or not?

Typically, reviewing employment data isn’t overly challenging. It’s making observations of macro and micro changes in the U.S. labor market, and taking note of where and how individual industries are

Top 5 Employment & Workplace Trends for 2023

Our working lives and, more broadly, the labor market have seen several changes in the past two years. And despite foreboding research and talks of an impending recession, experts suggest the labor market is, and will remain, remarkably resilient through the new year. However, this optimism doesn’t exclude some shifts in employment and workplace trends.

  • Hybrid

Have Economic Concerns Impacted the Labor Market Yet?

Over the past quarter, much of the news cycles have been on the economy, specifically inflation. However, you can’t discuss inflation without also considering the labor market.

While the past quarter has shown signs of changing trends in some key metrics, other indicators continue to behave without any thought or concern. Of course, not all areas of the labor market and

Perspective is Everything with Second Quarter Labor Trends

Perspective has an interesting way of shaping impressions. If you just pick up on reports of sweeping layoffs between various media outlets and your social feeds on certain days, it can certainly feel like the U.S. economy is headed straight into a recession. Even just considering the job reports from the last three months can make you feel a bit uneasy.

So take a step back

Is This Normal? A Review of First Quarter Labor Trends

Are we back to normal yet? Do we remember what that even looks or feels like? Maybe we have just scrapped the old definition and are setting new benchmarks and standards now. And it almost feels like that. Some areas are showing a slow, almost cautious start to the year while others look to be making up for lost ground.

Quarterly job creation is up but so is the volume of

A Look Back at 2021 Labor Trends

Details are important. They help us provide consistency and avoid mindless errors. Yet, when we become too focused in some areas, we can miss the bigger picture and perspective that is helpful to understand the full story. It’s the “missing the forest for the trees” analogy.

Earlier this year, we started reporting on some of the keylabor market metricsrelevant for our

Employment Trends to be Ready For in 2022 and Beyond

The biggest question that remained as last year drew to a close is what will 2022 and beyond look like for the labor market?

Despite another year of businesses managing and adjusting to the ongoing impacts of a pandemic, job growth continued to reflect more positive numbers than negative and unemployment rates continued to decline. Unfortunately, one metric no business leader